Top 10 Things Your Aesthetician Should do for You

  1. Ask, as an aesthetician our first step with any service or consultation means asking the right questions. What products you are using, what treatments you have had in the past, and what your goals are, these are just a few examples. 

  2. Listen, this step is as important as asking the right questions. Make sure your aesthetician is listening to the concerns you are having and that you feel heard.

  3. Customize, customize, customize. Everyone is unique and has different needs and goals for their skin. It’s the most fun part of an aestheticians job, so don’t be afraid to ask what your treatment will consist of, and why!

  4. Recommend, aftercare is everything. Remember we only get to see you once a month, so we want to set you up for success the other 30 days of the month. What you do at home is pivotal in achieving the results you are looking for. 

  5. Plan, creating a plan for future services is important so that you know what it will take to achieve your goals. As an aesthetician it is our job to help you create and stick to this plan.

  6. Schedule, this means booking your next service. Even if you are just wanting to relax quarterly this will help you stick to your goal of doing just that. If not, you blink and a year has gone by. 

  7. Research, if you have questions about treatments, or are concerned the skincare you are using isn’t a good fit for you, your aesthetician should be offering to do this research for you. It not only benefits our clients, but benefits our knowledge bank as well. Aestheticians should always want to learn more for our clients.

  8. Stay Current, your aesthetician needs to stay current and educated to provide the best services for you. Be worried if your aestheticians never talks about new treatments or products. The beauty industry is ever changing and it is our job to stay active in educating ourselves and our clients.

  9. Reachable, your aesthetician needs to be reachable for questions, concerns and inquiries. If you have just had a chemical peel and are concerned or have a question, you need to have your provider accessible. 

  10. Encourage, your aesthetician should always promote and encourage self-care. You should never feel shamed by your aesthetician, if you don’t leave feeling uplifted about your journey it might be time to find a better fit.


Get the Skin You Want with Microneedling: The Tiny Needles Making a Big Difference!